Selasa, 19 November 2013

ada yang tau ini apa ?

Diposting oleh Unknown di 21.28 0 komentar

100 top motion on the debate

Diposting oleh Unknown di 21.18 1 komentar
Rank Total views Debate Motion
1 124,191 This House would ban animal testing

2 110,369 This House believes single-sex schools are good for education

3 86,928 This house would raise the legal driving age to 18

4 81,440 This House believes reality television does more harm than good

5 80,053 This House supports the death penalty

6 79,846 This house Would Ban School Uniforms - Junior

7 73,949 This House believes the internet brings more harm than good

8 65,199 This House would ban homework

9 59,184 This House believes that children should be allowed to own and use mobile phones.

10 57,755 This house believes that capitalism is better than socialism

11 55,092 This House Believes that assisted suicide should be legalized

12 54,577 This House believes university education should be free

13 47,946 This house would ban cosmetic surgery

14 47,061 This House would ban junk food from schools.

15 45,148 This House would Censor the Internet

16 44,372 This House believes that cannabis should be legalised

17 42,006 This House believes wild animals should not be kept in captivity

18 39,527 This House believes homosexuals should be able to adopt.

19 38,346 This House would permit the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports

20 37,397 This House believes mothers should stay at home and look after their children.

21 36,884 This house would make physical education compulsory

22 36,496 This House would ban the sale of violent video games/censor violent video games.

23 36,274 This House would ban boxing.

24 35,289 This House believes science is a threat to humanity

25 34,899 This House believes that advertising is harmful

26 34,320 This House would give illegal immigrants drivers licenses

27 34,105 This House would limit the right to bear arms

28 33,996 This house Would reintroduce Corporal Punishment in Schools

29 33,267 This house would allow gay couples to marry

leader of opp.

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.59 0 komentar

•Rebuts the previous speech – errors of fact, faulty premise, inconsistencies, irrelevance
•Provides a clash, negation, or maintain status quo
•Provides their team split
•Provides constructive matter and argumentation based on their clash
3.LOGIC is sound but the argument does not resolve the issue
4.Faulty Premises
- Provide Comparative analysis that allows your team to surpass the other’s argument
5.Breaking deadlocks
- Oppose the proposition and provide an alternative resolution to the problem
- The clamor by government is exaggerated, unnecessary, and even if there was a problem it is already self-correcting
- There are other values worth protecting
- Make a comparative analysis of social values of course
•CONTRUCTIVE MATTER argues on the merits of a value or proposal
•NEGATIVE MATTER merely negates a value or proposal
•A DEBATE has an equal burden of constructive matter imposed on both sides
•A mere rebuttal case therefore cannot merit a win for a team

prime minister on debate

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.58 1 komentar
Prime Minister
Provides the set-up of the Debate
•Definition and Context
(preferably non-literal)
(or at least the value to be appraised)
•Standards and goals
(preferably expressly stated)
•Policy and Mechanisms
(For a policy debate)
•Team Split (very brief please)
•Provides 1-2 well formulated arguments
1.LABEL/BANNER (catch phrase)
Clarify your premise if you need to
2. HOW?
3. WHY?
4. SO WHAT? (Tie-up with your goals and standards)

prime minister on debate

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.58 1 komentar
Prime Minister
Provides the set-up of the Debate
•Definition and Context
(preferably non-literal)
(or at least the value to be appraised)
•Standards and goals
(preferably expressly stated)
•Policy and Mechanisms
(For a policy debate)
•Team Split (very brief please)
•Provides 1-2 well formulated arguments
1.LABEL/BANNER (catch phrase)
Clarify your premise if you need to
2. HOW?
3. WHY?
4. SO WHAT? (Tie-up with your goals and standards)

prime minister on debate

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.58 1 komentar
Prime Minister
Provides the set-up of the Debate
•Definition and Context
(preferably non-literal)
(or at least the value to be appraised)
•Standards and goals
(preferably expressly stated)
•Policy and Mechanisms
(For a policy debate)
•Team Split (very brief please)
•Provides 1-2 well formulated arguments
1.LABEL/BANNER (catch phrase)
Clarify your premise if you need to
2. HOW?
3. WHY?
4. SO WHAT? (Tie-up with your goals and standards)

reply speech on debate

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.57 1 komentar
More often than not, reply speakers would just simply talk about how he/she felt the debate went through and why should the adjudicator give the win to their side (biased adjudication). Reply speech has no bearing to the adjudication’s decision but will affect the TOTAL TEAM SCORE. To put it simply, a reply speaker would say, “adjudicators, make my team win please.” or you can say "our team is reasonable to win "

lgbt 1

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.57 0 komentar
LGBT (atau GLBT) adalah sebuah akronim yang merupakan singkatan dari "lesbiangaybiseksualdan transgender". Istilah ini digunakan semenjak tahun 1990-an dan menggantikan frasa "komunitas gay"karena istilah ini lebih mewakili kelompok-kelompok yang telah disebutkan.

lgbt 2

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.56 0 komentar
Akronim ini dibuat dengan tujuan untuk menekankan keanekaragaman "budaya yang berdasarkan identitas seksualitas dan gender". Kadang-kadang istilah LGBT digunakan untuk semua orang yang tidak heteroseksual, bukan hanya homoseksualbiseksual, atau transgender. Maka dari itu, seringkali huruf Q ditambahkan agar queer dan orang-orang yang masih mempertanyakan identitas seksual mereka juga terwakili (contoh. "LGBTQ" atau "GLBTQ", tercatat semenjak tahun 1996).

lgbt 3

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.56 0 komentar
Istilah LGBT sangat banyak digunakan untuk penunjukkan diri. Istilah ini juga diterapkan oleh mayoritas komunitas dan media yang berbasis identitas seksualitas dan gender di Amerika Serikat dan beberapa negara berbahasa Inggris lainnya.
Tidak semua kelompok yang disebutkan setuju dengan akronim ini. Beberapa orang dalam kelompok yang disebutkan merasa tidak berhubungan dengan kelompok lain dan tidak menyukai penyeragaman ini. Beberapa orang tidak menyetujui bahwa sebab transgender dan transeksual itu sama dengan kaum "LGB".Gagasan tersebut jelas dalam keyakinan "separatisme lesbian & gay", yang meyakini bahwa kelompok lesbian dan gay harus dipisah satu sama lain. Ada pula yang tidak peduli karena mereka merasa bahwa: akronim ini secara politis terlalu benar; akronim LGBT merupakan sebuah upaya untuk mengategorikan berbagai kelompok dalam satu wilayah abu-abu; dan akronim ini berarti bahwa isu dan prioritas kelompok yang diwakili diberikan perhatian yang setara. Di sisi lain, kaum interseks ingin dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok LGBT untuk membentuk "LGBTI" (tercatat sejak tahun 1999). Akronim "LGBTI" digunakan dalam The Activist's Guide of the Yogyakarta Principles in Action.

naked kitchen

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.54 0 komentar

Gula Langka LIPI, Solusi bagi Penderita Diabetes

Diposting oleh Unknown di 20.50 0 komentar - Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) berhasil memproduksi jenis gula langka yang bakal jadi solusi bagi penderita diabetes. Gula langka itu bernama tagatosa.

"Tagatosa ini yang paling siap diadopsi oleh industri," ungkap Wien Kusharyoto, peneliti bioteknologi LIPI yang terlibat dalam pengembangan gula langka itu.

Gula langka berarti gula yang sebenarnya tidak terdapat di alam, harus dibuat di laboratorium. Tagatosa sendiri diperoleh dengan mengolah whey dari susu sapi yang punya kandungan galaktosa memakai enzim.

Di Belgia, produksi tagatosa sudah dilakukan secara massal oleh Nutrilab dengan kapasitan produksi hingga 10.000 ton per tahun.

"Di LIPI, kita menghasilkan tagatosa dengan enzom yang berbeda, yaitu arabinosa isomerase yang kita ambil dari geobaccillus," jelas Wien dalam acara open house yang digelar Pusat Penelitian Bioteknologi LIPI, Selasa (19/11/2013).

Wien menguraikan, tagatosa sudah siap diproduksi sendiri sebab enzim, bahan, dan proses yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkannya sudah diketahui dengan pasti.

"Tinggal sekarang bagaimana kesediaan industri untuk memastikan ketersediaan bahan bakunya. Kalau industri sanggup menyediakan bahan bakunya, tagatosa ini sebenarnya sudah diproduksi untuk masyarakat," katanya.

Wien menuturkan, tagatosa memiliki beberapa keunggulan dibanding gula biasa dan gula rendah kalori lain.

"Kalorinya hanya 1,5 kkal sementara gula pasir 4 kkal. Untuk kemanisannya, ini 92 persen kemanisan gula pasir. Yang paling penting juga adalah aftertaste, tagatosa tidak meninggalkan rasa pahit atau memicu rasa haus," papar Wien.

Tagatosa saat ini belum banyak dikenal oleh publik Indonesia. Karenanya, perlu dikenalkan sebagai alternatif gula rendah kalori yang bakal menjadi solusi bagai penderita diabetes.

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

idea for bedroom

Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.47 0 komentar

gambar hello kitty di atas bisa di ganti apa saja sesuai ide dan kartun kesukaan kamu misalnnya doraemon  , bagi yang punya lahan kamar cukup luas mungkin ini salah satu ide yang bagus untuk kamar kamu

gambar di atas bisa menjadi ide kamar yang rumahnnya minimal banget , jadi walaupun sempit tetap elegant 

selain gambar no 2 kamu bisa mengambil gambar di atas sebagai suatu perbandingan 

so make yourself comfertable with your sweet room

nothing better

Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.26 0 komentar
do re mi fa sol la si do ....


Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.42 0 komentar
i dream to be like ainun , so i can smile every day in my live , i wanna be smart like her to , i need to have someone that i love and can protect me in every moment in my life , i want all about her , at least maybe i was her antonim ....
i dont have anything even a friend , but the most beautiful things is i have huge dream , i want to be a doctor , i want to help people , freely , without any debt . 
so ...... hope that story will be come true

i start to write

Diposting oleh Unknown di 02.28 0 komentar
it you , come to my lovely school and make me want to try writing about my live , to bring my world into book that made  by me , so thank you for let me know why you start  to write . in that incident i just relised your reason that make u start writing is same like me , so thanks

Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

less miserables part 3

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.58 0 komentar
I’m sure audiences on both sides of the Atlantic would happily take me to the guillotines for these opinions. After all, Jackman cut his teeth in musicals and has been Oscar-nominated for his turn as Valjean. Grown men have reportedly wept at Crowe’s portrayal of the implacable policeman Javert’s final, “noble” gesture.
So what on earth is going on? Do I possess a “heart pumping porridge”, as the Telegraph’s film critic, Robbie Collin, said of those unmoved by this film?
Marni Nixon, the 82-year-old Hollywood musicals veteran, is known in the industry as the “ghostess with the mostess”, having been a “singing double” for everyone from Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady, Deborah Kerr in The King and I and – without her knowledge – Natalie Wood in West Side Story. Famously, Nixon was drafted in to sing the high notes in Marilyn Monroe’s rendition of Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend. In her opinion, the Les Misérables film was misconceived.
“If you’re making a musical, you should hire singers,” she tells me. “Singers who can act. In a musical, you want singing that’s technically good. It’s cruel to make people who can’t sing, sing.”
For Nixon, Jackman wasn’t a bad singer, just miscast: “Acting-wise he was wonderful, but could have done with a nobler voice.” Crowe, on the other hand, “was nothing. It wasn’t that he was choosing to sing like that, he just couldn’t do anything else.”
The female actors, says Nixon, “came off much better” – apart from Helena Bonham Carter, that is, whose comic number, Master of the House, a duet with her screen husband Sacha Baron Cohen, is meant to provide the film’s light relief: “You couldn’t understand one word she said. There wasn’t enough tone in her voice to carry any emotion.”
Nixon is warm and funny; there’s nothing mean-spirited about her. She is passionate about singing, and musicals in particular. What, then, went so wrong with this one? Nixon believes it was Hooper’s decision to make an operatic musical in the vernacular: “It doesn’t suit this score to have actors speak-singing it. Les Misérables is written to be sung operatically, with long lines to make it come off.” She chuckles, adding: “Maybe the director told the actors, 'You don’t have to hold the notes that long, because it’s silly. It sounds like you’re singing!’ ”
She gives short shrift to Crowe’s “raw and real” defence: “We’re talking about a musical. Is that real? People don’t go around singing 'La la la la’ to each other all day!”
Madalena Alberto, who played a highly acclaimed and memorable Fantine in the 25th anniversary touring production of Les Misérables, was moved by Jackman’s performance, but admits to having “doubts” during some of his bigger numbers. “Bring Him Home is a beautiful song. I wanted it smaller; it should be a prayer to God. I missed a little of Valjean’s vulnerability. But whether it was a directing choice or his ability, I can’t be sure.”
So, rather than being sung to camera, should some of the numbers in Les Misérables have been – whisper it – overdubbed afterwards by professional singers? Is this as inauthentic as many critics claim?
“Strangely enough, I don’t think it matters if actors are dubbed,” says Nixon, “as long as it’s done really well, and you don’t notice the difference in timing, and that the actor and the singer are totally in synch. The energy levels need to be exactly the same.”
This brings me to the question I have been dying to ask Nixon, who, in My Fair Lady, hits that legendary high F at the end of I Could Have Danced All Night. Can anyone become a singer?
“I think the desire and the talent has to be innate,” she says. “And then it’s according to your imagination as to how you develop that.” I shall keep trying – and so should Russell Crowe.

less miserables part 3

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.57 0 komentar
I didn’t dislike all of the performances. Hathaway sang her anguished soul out in I Dreamed a Dream. I loved Eddie Redmayne’s performance as Marius, the earnest revolutionary. And the long-suffering Éponine, played by Samantha Barks, was not just technically adept but completely credible. You felt her pain.
As we were told countless times in the build-up to the film’s opening, the cast bravely recorded their vocals live, with no tweaking in the studio afterwards. As someone who is learning to sing, I know how hard it can be to perform live. As Crowe retorted when American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert dared to criticise the cast’s performances – resulting in hundreds of bile-filled tweets – the singing wasn’t meant to be technically perfect, but “raw and real”. Well, I’m fine with raw and real. I don’t believe singing has to be technically perfect but it does need to express emotion.
And for me, at key moments in the score, the vocals just weren’t raw and real enough. They weren’t sung from the gut. A decades-old rivalry between Hugh Jackman and Russell Crowe’s characters underpins the entire musical, and they needed to carry the film; instead, they sagged under its weight.

less miserables part 2

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.54 0 komentar
But then Russell Crowe opened his mouth. “We’ll be ready for these schoolboys, they will wet themselves with blood,” he boomed at one point, as the revolutionaries prepared to attack. Except he doesn’t boom. He whispers.
I wasn’t the only one who hated almost every minute of it. At work the next day, a colleague quietly admitted to having watched it stony-faced as the cinema audience sobbed around her. Anthony Lane, one of the world’s most eminent film critics, also demolished it, saying: “I screamed a scream as time went by.”
Les Misérables is about poverty, pain, isolation, frustration, suffering. The songs are, in every way, “big”. And that’s where, for me, it fell so woefully short. Where Hugh Jackman, as the long-suffering central character Jean Valjean, imprisoned for 17 years for stealing a loaf of bread, should have soared in moments of anger or pain, his vocals died. Instead of following through on the long, sustained notes – of which there are many in Les Mis – he cut them off with a weak, nasal vibrato. It was as if Jackman was afraid to go for it.

les miserables part 1

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.38 0 komentar
There were only 37 minutes to go. Surely we could make it to the end? But having spent the last two hours hoping vainly that things must get better, I gave in. “Let’s get out of here,” I said.
And so it was, on the film’s £8 million-grossing opening weekend, that I walked out of Les Misérables.
I’ve never done that to any film before. Directed by Tom Hooper (The King’s Speech), this is the musical that has already bagged a Golden Globe and been nominated for eight Oscars and nine Baftas. Everywhere you look there are five-star reviews, and reports of audiences crying so hard you can hardly believe this is Britain.
It is also a film that I’d been incredibly excited about ever since I saw the trailer with Anne Hathaway sob-singing I Dreamed a Dream. It was going to be epic. I would be swept up with the emotion. And, most of all, it was a melodrama with a grand, historical sweep, in which people would be doing – and doing it with incredible passion and grit – the thing I love most of all: singing.
That every line of dialogue in the film is “sung-through” – performed, rather than merely spoken – held no fear for me. And it started so well, with a seething sea and a swelling chorus of strong-armed convicts heaving a giant ship into shore.

cerita 1

Diposting oleh Unknown di 01.30 0 komentar
aku sangat pintar dalam segala urusan matematika , aku sangat pecaya diri karena tidak ada soal matematika yang tidak bisa aku kerjakan , tapi entah mengapa ketika engkau datang ., semuannya menjadi berubah , aku bahkan tidak bisa mengerjakan soal yang mudah sekali pun .  konsentrasi ku pecah saat kau masuk ke ruang kelas , terasa seperti tak bisa berbicara ataupun bergerak , pandangan ku berubah hanya memandangmu , dan fikiranku hanya memikirkan mu .
pergilah jauh agar nilai matematika ku bisa kembali sempurna . tapi ku rasa aku tak akan bisa ....

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

Southwest Airlines Tergelincir di Bandara New York, 10 Luka

Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.08 0 komentar
Sepuluh orang mengalami luka-luka ringan setelah sebuah pesawat komersial tergelincir saat mendarat di Bandara LaGuardia, New York, AS. Demikian keterangan pejabat setempat.
Enam orang penumpang telah dilarikan ke rumah sakit terdekat akibat cedera setelah pesawat Southwest Airlines dengan nomor penerbangan 345 tergelincir sehingga keluar dari landasan. Demikian kata pimpinan bandara Tom Bosco.
Pesawat jenis Boeing 737 yang terbang dari Nashville ini membawa 143 orang penumpang dan enam orang awak.
Bandar udara LaGuardia sempat ditutup akibat insiden ini sebelum akhirnya dibuka kembali.
Dalam jumpa pers, Bosco mengatakan, roda depan pesawat tersebut mengalami kerusakan ketika mendarat di landasan pacu pada Senin (22/7/2013) sekitar pukul 17.40 waktu setempat.
Otoritas pengawas bandara mengatakan, sesaat setelah pesawat itu terhenti di lapangan rumput di luar landasan, para penumpang keluar dari dalam pesawat dengan menggunakan pintu darurat.Juru bicara pengawas bandara LaGuardia, Lisa MacSpadden, mengatakan, para penumpang kebanyakan terluka karena cedera leher. Para awak kapal juga dilarikan ke rumah sakit.
Komite Nasional Kecelakaan Transportasi AS sedang menyelidiki kecelakaan pesawat ini.
Diposting oleh Unknown di 06.08 0 komentar
ni luh ayu 2nd winner of sembawa story telling 


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